Granary, Grimentz, Valais, Switzerland, 16th century
© Thomas Deckker 2023
The Rodent Order. The log construction is built off an undressed field stone as a capital on a timber column, to prevent rodents from climbing into the granary.
Was Vitruvius right?
Was Vitruvius right about the origin of architecture? He wrote in De Architectura:
New archaeological discoveries have shown that timber construction, or 'a better species of huts', is extremely ancient and emerged at the dawn of communities and language. These discoveries may be found in a series of interlinked research projects at the Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology at the University of Liverpool. One group of archaeologists, led by Professor Larry Barham, in research into
palaeolithic timber construction, described what they believe to be the earliest known wooden structure, discovered at Kalambo Falls, Zambia. The timber structure consisted of 2 beams notched, presumably to make a corner of a rectangular enclosure. There was evidence of fire as well as working with tools on the beams.
This was a very unusual find. Wood does not usually last long, not least half a million years; the survival and discovery of archaeological sites is largely by chance, and the interpretation of evidence highly speculative. Timber construction almost half a million years old means that these artefacts predate our species. The beginning of our species,
homo sapiens, is believed to be approximately 300,000 years ago, so it is likely that this timber structure was made by a predecessor species, perhaps
homo erectus.
A second research project, led by Professor John Gowlett, charted evidence of fire and cooked food at the same site. Professor Gowlett argued that
homo erectus must have controlled fire for food, as hominid digestion cannot sustain life on a raw diet, and for protection from wild animals, as hominids were not adapted to climbing trees.
Further interpretations of these discoveries would support the belief that fire and shelter were essential elements of language. Professor Robin Dunbar, in his research project
'From Lucy to Language: The Archaeology of the Social Brain' argues that the larger brains of
homo sapiens "are thus largely about the management of relations in a complex social environment... and language also appears to have evolved as part of this constellation of factors". Timber huts gave spatial form to the social environment.

'Tabula III Asiae' from Claudii Ptolemaei geographicae enarrationis libri octo Albrecht Dürer, engraver (Strasbourg 1525)
© David Rumsey Maps
roll over for location of Colchi
Claudius Ptolemy's map showed the world known to the Romans - from the Canary Islands to Indo-China - c.150, and therefore likely known to Vitruvius. This plate shows present-day Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, bordered by Iran to the south and Russia to the north.
What woud be the likely completed form of this fragment? Although he could not possibly have known that he was doing so, Vitruvius provided the answer:
Grimentz, Valais, Switzerland, 16th century
© Thomas Deckker 2023
The form of construction described by Vitruvius is often called log cabin construction. Well-preserved examples may be found in Russia, Scandinavia and the Alps. It is conventionally assumed to be archaeologically recent - from, at the earliest, the Bronze Age, as this is when readily identifiable remains may be found. It survived as described by Vitruvius into the early 20th century. There is no implication that there was any direct historical link between the Palaeolithic site in Africa and the Hellenic site in the Caucasus, but the continuity of the construction raises the question of whether it could be innate.
If log cabins are actually innate, then their construction involved both a social context, like language, and technical knowledge, like making tools. Ancient Greeks conceptualised these innate atributes: architecture made khôra (Ancient Greek χώρα), or social space, and was made through techne (Ancient Greek τέχνη), art or craft, and poiesis (Ancient Greek ποίησις) making something new. We can see architecture progressing together with language, from primitive grunting to the sophisticated language of Ancient Greece.
Marc-Antoine Laugier: Essai sur l'Architecture
Paris, 1755
The 'primitive hut', or the origins of architecture, interpreted by Marc-Antoine Laugier.
These log cabins were obviously not the origin of the Doric Order as they were solid wall, not columns. The 'arbours made of boughs of trees' would be theorised as the 'primitive hut' by Enlightenment theorists such as Marc-Antoine Laugier, to demonstrate its origin. Greek architecture was being rediscovered at the same time by architects, notably by Robert Wood - The ruins of Palmyra (London 1753) and The ruins of Balbec (London 1757) and James Stuart and Nicholas Revett - The Antiquities of Athens (London 1762/1789/1794).
Plate VI, Volume 2: The Capital and Entablature of the Columns of the Portico of the Parthenon
James Stuart and Nicholas Revett: The Antiquities of Athens (London 1762)
The drawing shows features of the Doric Order supposedly derived from timber construction through mimesis (Ancient Greek μίμησις), the idealisation of the physical world in art. Contrary to popular opinon it was not skeuomorphic, a neologism of skeuos (Ancient Greek σκεῦος), a tool, and morphḗ (Ancient Greek μορφή) shape or form, from around 1890.
Ange-Jacques Gabriel: Garde-Meuble de la Couronne (1748-1772) and Hôtel Saint-Florentin (1769), Paris
© Thomas Deckker 1990
Neo-classical architecture - after the rediscovery of Greek architecture - of the highest quality, with and without Orders: the former Hôtel de la Marine (a royal palace) and later private houses on the rue de Rivoli.
Claude-Nicolas Ledoux: Barrière St Martin, Paris (1785-1790)
© Thomas Deckker 1984
In the Barrière St Martin Claude-Nicolas Ledoux developed the Orders beyond anything recognisable in Classical architecture, although with the passage of time its novelty has diminished.
While Laugier's theory was absolutely plausible, and in fact defined architectural theory on the subject, he apparently got it wrong: sophisticated architecture came out of sophisticated societies. But that is a simplistic reading of Laugier: Enlightenment theorists were looking for the natural origin of sophisticated architecture. Enlightenment assumptions of the Orders did not have long to run after Laugier: they would be overturned in the 19th century, by architects such as
Labrouste, whose Bibliothèque Ste Geneviève (Paris 1838-50) was the first public building in Paris without columns.
Henri Labrouste: design drawing for the Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève
© Bibliothèque Nationale de France
Some theorists belive that language developed not distinct from architecture but, in part, because of it. Why would architecture be considered a foundation of language? Paleoarchaeologists do not consider architecture to be of the same importance as tools, fire and language, the traditional triad for the formation of social groupings. The architectural historian
John Onians asserted, however, that certain concepts expressed in language actually came from architecture:
What is argued is that the making of buildings and the experiencing of buildings are both associated with distinctive mental operations and that this association is apparent in our use of language. To put it another way, we use metaphors from architecture to articulate our thoughts because the processes of design and construction and the experience of using building relate to basic mental operations and basic psychological needs. In other words, when we derive from building design the metaphor 'plan', as in 'five-year plan', or from building construction the expression 'foundations', as in 'foundations of economic theory' or from the experience of a building once constructed the concept of 'pillars', as in 'pillars of society', we do so because there is a uniquely close relationship between building and thinking.
The new archaeological discoveries show that the description of the birth of architecture given by Vitruvius in De Architectura is entirely plausible. Furthermore, it is clear that architecture emerged with communities and language, and was one of the defining characterists of our species, homo sapiens. The earliest buildings, or 'better species of huts' were not 'primitive huts' but log cabins, a form of construction that lasted into the early 20th century.
The last log cabins
Log cabins were instrumental in the development of the North West Territories in Canada. The District of Assinaboia was absorbed into Saskatchewan in 1905, and the town founded in 1912.
First House built in Assinaboia, present-day Saskatchewan
Historic Photograph 1905 ©
Log cabin construction on the prairies, most likely late 19th century. Note the beams are quite widely spaced to economise on timber with mud and plaster infill.
An example of an
izba, a vernacular rural dwelling in log cabin construction, survived at at the Rozhdestvensky Convent in central Moscow at least until its renovation in 1993.
Thomas Deckker
London 2024