specific objects, specific sites
What is art? What is architecture? We are very interested in learning about what architecture is, in finding out about today's possibilities for architecture and urbanism, in what these disciplines can contribute to everyday life, to everyone's life. In looking at architecture in this way, art becomes very important because, in the past few decades, it has developed more interesting strategies, it has attracted more interesting and creative people than in the field of architecture... the art-like character of many of our buildings arises from the fact that they are so architectural.
Herzog & deMeuron
Two projects about landscape and architecture: a plaster block project in the
Studio and a design project on the
South Bank. The Unit Trip was to
Texas: we were the first group to visit Donald Judd's Chinati Foundation in
Marfafrom outside the USA.
Thomas Deckker Fenella Collingridge
Thomas Deckker wrote about the work of Donald Judd and the Chinati Foundation in
Land Art: City Architecture published in
Issues in Architecture Art & Design and about urban design in Houston in
Urban Entropies: A Tale of Three Cities published in Architectural Design.
Rudi Sommer and Christoph Kalb kindly introduced Thomas Deckker to
Universität Liechtenstein where he ran the first workshop in the Spörryfabrik.